Tis the Season

For shredding bikes. The weather is at that awesome time between cold and so hot and humid it sucks to be outside so bike riding has been going down on the reg. I was recently in a Vital video with some homies my old roomate Dan Foley put together. Got that front page screen shot! Click the photo to watch.

I also built up a new ride that you can check out the complete list of parts by clicking the photo. Bike is complete with the Eastern Crown pedals which I filmed a few clips for a Product Spotlight/Friday Flick you can watch by clicking HERE!

Good weather also means trail sessions are starting to pop off which is always good. Click HERE to watch a video from a trail jam my friend Binny put on at his trails that I have a few clips in, video by Wes Atkins.

I also suffered my first concussion the other day after I cased a jump at some trails and went straight to my face. head and body have been sore a few days but should be back on it before most of you read this. Enough blabber. Go enjoy the weather by riding your bike. BYAHHHH!!!!

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