Trey Turner has brewed up a fresh new edit by name of “Issa World“. You’ll enjoy Trey’s unique technical style and bag of tricks which he’s able to apply to about any kind of spot. He stacked clips for this edit in his middle America stomping grounds but was also able to get some serious bangers while in Texas. Get em Trey!!!
From Trey about his edit.
“So I wanted to produce another video for my sponsors to show them love, so a few months ago I started filming this. 95% of this is self filmed but I truly feel me going extra hard on the tricks, made up for the fact that I didn’t have a filmer and I’m stoked on every trick in this video. Filmed mostly in Cincinnati, Ohio and Kentucky with some Texas clips sprinkled in , you can’t miss this, because I can honestly say this is the best video I have ever produced and hyped to finally show it to the world! Shout outs to Eastern Bikes, Mayhem Supply, Richies Chicken, and Jones Soda for holding me down and keeping me motivated no matter what and also shout outs to Adult Average for letting us stay at his crib when I was in Texas!!. If you want to see a video filled with originality, peep Issa World!! Thank you!”
Song : Ching Chong by Benihana Boy